the last leaked info about the release date of android 2.1 sprint is confirmed.
Samsung Moment and HTC Hero owners will be excited to learn that Sprint plans to roll Android 2.1 out to their customers in the "coming weeks".
Sprint has C0NFIRMED an Android update will be hitting the Samsung Moment and HTC Hero, granting both mobile phones updates to Android 2.1.
The leaked internal document was regarding a future fix to the phone’s Picture Mail woes so might actually point to the highly anticipated upgrade from Android 1.6 to Android 2.1. While other mobile devices are going t0 have everything worked out behind the scenes the Hero’s patch is supposedly set to be released alongside a broader “maintenance release” at April 9th. This broader maintenance release will provide a great opportunity for Sprint to upgrade the Hero to Android 2.1 at that time.
Of course this is N0T official and April 9th could come and go without any update to your Sprint Hero handset.
The upgrade fr0m Android 1.6 to Android 2.1 has been one of the most anticipated updates in recent mobile device history. Many Android users are quite excited to see what sort of improvements are going to come alongside this update. While the Android 1.6 OS has been a fairly efficient and popular system since its inception there are a few minor bugs and quirks that have caught the attention of many Android consumers. These avid fans are hoping that their concerns and wishes are met with the new upgraded Android version. 0nly time will tell how the new Android performs compared to the old version but it appears as if that time is quickly shortening.