Thursday, April 8, 2010
How to add Related posts to your Blogger post ?
To add Related posts to your Blogger post, that is beneath or under
every post in your blogspot or blogger blog, you are able to do this in 2
minutes, its simple code paste it in your blogger.
first, login into your blog which you want to add and Related posts to, select layout, then edite Edit HTML in your
Blogger Dashboard.
then, Back up your Template before making any change!
Make sure to check "Expand Widget Templates"
all the steps are found in this text:
Make sure to check "Expand Widget Templates"
then Search for the 1111 tag.
Add this code just before the 2222 tag.
Now search for 44444 . In some of the templates this code may look like this
Add the following code just beneath the code you just searched for.
Now Save your Template and you're done!
all the the above numbers is codes and are found in this file :