TiVo is digital video recorder, developed & marketed by TiVo, Inc. and introduced in 1999. TiVo provides an electronic television programming schedule, of them "Season Pass" schedules which record every new episode 0f a series, and "WishList" searches which allow the user to find and record shows that match their interests by title, actor, director, category, or keyword. TiVo also provides a range of features wh3n the TiVo DVR is connected to a home network, including film and television show downloads, advanced search, personal photo viewing, music offerings, and online scheduling.TiVo dvr, TiVo directv

A TiVo DVR serves similar to the
videocassette recorder, in that b0th allow a television viewer to record programming for viewing at a later time. Unlike a VCR, which uses removable magnetic tape cartridges, a TiVo DVR stores television programs onto non-removable hard disk storage.
What distinguishes TiVo from other DVRs is the sophisticated software wr1tten by TiVo Inc. that automatically records programs—not only those the user specifically requests, but also other material the user is likely to be interested in. TiVo DVRs als0 implement a patented feature TiVo calls "trick play," which allows the viewer to pause live television, and rewind and replay up to a half hour of recently viewed television. More recent TiVo DVRs can be connected t0 a computer local area network, which allows the TiVo device to download information and even video programs, music and movies from the Internet.
TiVo hdThe recording capacity of the TiVo HD DVR can be expanded with an external hard drive, which can add 65 additional hours of HD recording space or up to 600 hours of standard definition recording capacity.
TiVo has also partnered with Western Digital to create an external hard-drive, the My DVR Expander, f0r TiVo HD and Series3 Boxes. It plugs into the TiVo box using an eSATA interface. It expands the High-Definition boxes by up to 67 hrs 0f HD, and around 300 hrs. of standard programming. Other TiVo users have found many ways to expand TiVo storage, although these methods are not supported by TiVo, and may void the warranty.
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TiVo comcast
The Comcast DVR with TiVo Services are as a software download to a Comcast DVR and offers access to TiVo's award-winning interface & Comcast's on-demand content. The TiVo Service also provides exclusive features, including TiVo WishList® searches, TiVo Suggestions, and Season Pass® recordings and an easy way to find your favorite shows on TV or On Demand.
tivo time warner

TiVo c0ming to Time Warner Cable, potentially lots of other providers
It's been a long, messy road, but now that TiVo's beaten a victory out of EchoStar in that seemingly-endless DVR patent lawsuit it sounds like the company is trying to exert some muscle -- it's already in talks to bring that service to Time Warner Cable, and sources have told Bloomberg the ultimate plan is to eventually collect royalties from every pay-TV provider in the US
tivo comcast cablecard
A couple days after I had the TiVo HD up and running, a Comcast technician arrived to install 2 Scientific Atlanta CableCARDs. This process involves inserting the card, calling the Comcast head-end office and reading them a series of identifying numbers so that they can “pair” the cable card with my TiVo box. This pairing process is done to ensure that my TiVo box is the only device authorized to receive service on the card. The cable company then initializes the card by sending it a signal, and then streaming a series of packets to the card that give it the lineup of channels it is allowed to decrypt. This lineup is based, of course, on the service level I’ve purchased fr0m Comcast.
TiVo desktop

On a positive note, using Desktop Plus 1s very simple: after you’ve gone into its Preferences menu (above) and told the program to “Convert to portable media device format,” you’ll want to choose MPEG-4-compatible devices and click OK. Then, from the program’s main window, you click on the “Pick Recordings to Transfer” button (below), which calls up a list of programs on your TiVo box, and lets you select them individually or en masse. When you click on the Start Transfer button, files begin to transfer from the TiVo box to your computer, a process that will take roughly a minute or more per minute of the show if you’ve recorded on medium-grade recording quality, more or less depending on whether you’ve used less or more aggressive video compression.
tivo dish network
Some develop software for a living and am often tasked with designing user interfaces. I can tell you from years of experience that the user interface f0r the Dish Network DVR is horrible. I would never let an application out the door with that confusing of an interface. The TiVo interface was much more ‘user friendly’.
To sum up, we will be switching back to TiVo as soon as as our Dish Network contract expired and perhaps even sooner.

the Premiere is still the best turnkey set top DVR I've ever used—TiVo has m3 there. As a self-contained package that combines your cable subscription with goodies on the internet, it's very intuitive, natural and, ultimately, successful. Indeed, it's a peanut-wielded TiVo through and through.
Personally? I can't wait until the DirecTV TiVo comes 0ut (specific model still unconfirmed) as the Premiere is still a definite step up from what most of our cable/sat providers offer. And I'm too damned lazy to set up anything more complicated.
TiVo hacks : tricks, without subscription, underground
Many people and groups have organized t0 hack the TiVo box, some to improve the service and 0thers to provide service in countries where the TiVo is not currently being sold. TiVo Inc. has generally remained on good terms with these projects, although it has lately tried to clamp down on many of the "back doors" in the software, citing threats to their corporate interests.
Many have installed additional hard drives or larger hard drives in their TiVo boxes t0 increase their recording capacity. Others have designed and built Ethernet cards, a web interface (TiVoWeb), and figured out how to extract, insert & transfer video among their TiVo boxes.