Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wordpress Tips & Tricks

Wordpress Tips & Tricks

I thought it might be useful to list 7 of my best posts here so you don’t get lost while browsing my blog by jumping from a post to another.

Let’s start with the start:

  1. How to install wordpress - Here I wrote a whole guide on how to install wordpress. To be honest, I didn’t like the famous “5 minutes installation guide” on so I wrote my own. The tutorial posted on this page explains how you can create a new blog from scratch using cpanel, ftp, etc. Of course, there are other ways, some of them even easier (maybe) like Fantastico. But your hosting company has to upgrade their software right after the release, so you depend on many factors. Anyway, it’s one of the many solutions, test it and rate it.

  2. How To Display A Static Page On Your Home Page - by default, wordpress shows the latest 10 posts on your main page. This can be good or bad, depending on your preferences. The good news is that you can change this setting from the admin. To find out more about this, just click on the link in the title of this paragraph.

  3. Top recommended Wordpress Plugins - A small personal wordpress plugins collection. I think you must have them (or at least some of them) installed on your blog to make your life easier. The post includes: All in one SEO pack, google xml sitemaps, social bookmarks and few more. Check them out.

  4. How to recover your admin password (if the password recovery feature doesn’t work) - you may think this will never happen. But it does … it did happen few times for me so I thought it would be great to let others know how I did it before they quit trying and get a new fresh wordpress installation losing all their data.

  5. Top 10 WordPress anti spam plugins - Another collection of mine, this time to help me get rid of spammers. Yep, they attack blogs too (and attacked mine as well). The best seems to be akismet but there are few other options from which you can chose your destiny, so read the whole post before you make a decision (and maybe test them one by one).

  6. How to integrate Google Analytics with your blog - A common problem for bloggers is to have their google analytics code installed on their blog so they can track traffic. This post explains exactly what you need to do to have it working.

  7. The best permalinks structure - If you don’t know what permalinks are, then search this blog and you will find a post explaining that for sure. In the 7th post listed here I explained what’s the best way to have your URLs listed and why is that.

Enjoy reading,