Sleep bruxism or nighttime teeth grinding occurs in up to half of all people. Here's why the treatment involves more than just a mouth guard.
Contributor: Kristie Leong M.D.Published: Mar 18, 2010
Looking to boost your memory? Here are two crispy salad vegetables that may reduce brain inflammation and aging.
Looking for an alternative to coffee? Discover the health benefits of drinking chai tea. It's low in caffeine, but rich in flavor.
Thyroid hormone is important for regulating the metabolism. Can it be used to help obese people lose weight?
If you're trying to lose weight, is diet or exercise more important? Where should you focus your efforts?
Are you grabbing lunch on the go? This may not be smart from a weight control standpoint. Find out why eating too quickly can pack on the pounds.
Can vitamin D make you stronger? Find out what a new study shows about muscle strength and vitamin D.
Diplopia is another name for double vision - a phenomenon where the brain sees a duplicate image. What causes diplopia and what should you do about it?
People who eat low carbohydrate diets may be putting themselves at risk for mood disturbances. Find out why a low-fat diet may be the better choice.